Do you believe in the power of people? Do you feel like you want more for the lives of others who may not have the tools or resources? Are you a philanthropist at heart and want to give back but not know how? We invite you to contribute your gifts, whether monetarily, time, labor, experience, intellectual property, or other related talents. Philanthropy does not have a minimum in our eyes. Your donation is uniquely yours, and we invite you to share it with us.
Philanthropy plays a vitally important role in our success and helps us solve some of our members' most significant challenges. Generosity is a part of what connects us authentically. We all can make an impact on a better world. Are you ready to be a part of the change?
We welcome aspiring philanthropists passionate about guiding our members. If you identify as a mentor, counselor, coach, academic tutor, financial advisor, nutritionist, etc., we could use your help. Visit our philanthropic partnership section to learn more and connect with us today.